Botswana: A model of Democracy for Africa

The country is recognized by Transparency International as the Least Corrupt in Africa. Its leaders have received accolades across the World for their unrelenting efforts to lead their country and its people towards sustainable development. Graced with rich minerals, especially diamond, the country also has massive natural reserves, that are home to wildlife, including giraffes,…

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What Are We Proud Of?

This week, Americans, including me, commemorated the 237th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. In public places and churches, and surely in private places, American sang their favorites songs, hymns, and the national anthem. In America the Beautiful, God Bless USA, or Star Spangled Banner, the theme of freedom rang in the singers’ ears: In…

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Rwanda: La Mémoire, l’Honneur et La Reconstruction Ne Sont Pas à Politiser

La Mémoire, l’Honneur et La Reconstruction Ne Sont Pas à Politiser par Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD. Habituellement, à cette époque j’écris un article sur un sujet qui me tient à cœur. Au moment  où j’essayais de m’imaginer quelle pensée je devais partager avec les autres, je me suis surpris moi-même: je me suis retrouvé entrain de…

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Pourquoi j’ai voté pour le Président Barack Obama

Pourquoi j’ai voté pour le Président Barack Obama pour le  second mandat. Je viens tout juste de remplir mon bulletin de vote. Avant de pousser le bouton, j ‘ai eu une minute de pause en réfléchissant sur l’importance de cette action. J’ai voté pour le président Barack Obama pour le second mandat. J’ai voté pour Barack Obama,…

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Un Parti d’Opposition Rwandais s’Exprime sur la Crise a l’Est du Congo (RDC)

Situation à l’Est de la RDC: Il est grand temps de revisiter  l’Accord  du 27 janvier 2009 entre le Congrès National Démocratique (CND) et Le Gouvernement de la RDC. Une fois de plus, l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo est mis à feu et à sang par des milices et divers seigneurs de guerre,…

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Rwandan Opposition Group Expresses Its Position on the Crisis in Eastern Congo (DRC)

Situation in Eastern DRC:  The Time to Revisit  the Jan 27, 2009 Accord Between the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and DRC Government is Overdue. The Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is once again put to fire and sword by various militias and warlords, most the backing from foreign governments. According to non government organizations…

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The Dilemma of Dictators Part V: When General Paul Kagame Feels the Noose

I.The Noose Tightening around General Ntaganda’s neck tautens General Kagame’s Throat This Tuesday May 8, 2012 we stumbled across a surprising article. Written by Joseph Rwagatare of The New Times of Rwanda and featured among the top headlines, the article has a surprising title:”Rwanda: Gen. Ntaganda Is Only a Pawn in a Wider Game.” Really!…

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Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism

Rwanda: When Seeking Peace Becomes Terrorism by Felicien Kanyamibwa, PhD May 19, 2011 INTRODUCTION On May 5, 2011, the Rwandan New Times media outlet, widely known to be a mouthpiece of the Rwandan President General Paul Kagame and  his Intelligence Services, published an article written by Tom Ndahiro, one of the shadow communication advisors to…

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